Valentine’s Day for Service Members

Hello, Honored Readers, I’m Petty Officer Edmundson, and THIS is “The Veterans’ Voice”.

It’s Wednesday, and normally I would post something fun for “Hump Day Humor”, but it happens to be Valentine’s Day.  That means you get a special post for today.

It goes without saying that serving in the military separates service members from their loved ones.  The needs of the service often take a service member far from their home and their family.  I’m sure we’ve all heard the story of the young, newlywed soldier, who gets deployed soon after his wedding, and finds out via regular correspondence with his new wife that he left her carrying his baby.  He remains deployed overseas and experiences her pregnancy through correspondence.  He only learns that his wife gives birth after the fact when she sends him correspondence that he just became a father.  As  the story goes, his baby is a year old by the time his deployment ends and he goes home to meet his child for the first time.  Many service members have experienced this and other similar experiences.  Valentine’s Day is a wonderful day to celebrate love, and be with the one you love.  Sadly, right now there are many men and women serving in our military that are apart from their loved ones.  Separation from loved ones is one of the sacrifices service members make to serve their country.  In the past, military men had to wait weeks or months for letters and packages from home.  Thankfully in this age of electronic communication, text and voice communication is instantaneous and real time.  Our service members can now communicate with their loved ones on Valentine’s Day.

Valentine’s Day isn’t any better for veterans.  A veteran may have lost loved ones, either during their military career, or sometime thereafter.  Veterans may also be separated from their loved ones as they may be in a Veterans’ Hospital, or in a short or long term care facility.

So, Honored Readers, remember those who are cannot spend Valentine’s Day with their loved ones.  Take the time to speak to them however you can.  Let them know you care for them on Valentine’s Day.  You just might make some lonely service member’s day.

That’s all for this post, Honored Readers.  Remember, if you have something you wish for me to write as a special commemoration, go to the contact page, and send me an email.  Be sure to put “Special Commemorations” in the subject line.

That’s all for this post, Honored Readers.  I’m Petty Officer Edmundson, and THIS was “The Veterans’ Voice”!

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